Periods and Autism

periods and autism

Periods and Autism

Starting your period is a major life milestone for any individual but for an Autistic person it can be an overwhelming time of life transition in the lead up to their first period and the periods they experience thereafter.

Having a first period is a significant milestone. As parents we cannot accurately predict exactly when our children will experience their first period, it is good practice to prepare our children early for this major life event.

From an Autistic stability perspective, it can be a frightening time experiencing increasing bodily changes with the onset of puberty and later to experience a first period. If a child has not been prepared for their first period, it makes sense that the sight of blood may induce fear and panic. They may consider the sight of blood means they are hurt or something else is wrong.

autism puberty social story

It is best practice to prepare Autistic children ahead of time for what to expect.

How to explain periods to an Autistic Child

Puberty Social Stories

Reading puberty social stories can be very helpful in supporting your Autistic child to understand what to expect with their first period. It is important consider the language you use in the first period social story and the imagery you use to enhance their understanding. We know that many Autistic people have excellent visual processing strengths and as such it is important we support their preference for visual learning by ensuring we include puberty specific visual imagery in the puberty social stories.

first period autism social story

Period Products

Looking at period products together is important. Explaining the differing types and furthermore explaining how to utilise the products. Consider sensory processing differences when choosing sanitary products. If choosing to use sanitary pads or tampons considering the impact these may have from a sensory processing perspective. Many Autistic people have spoken publicly about the perfumed sanitary products on the market and how they find the perfumed products overwhelming.

Brands like Always Ultra offer cotton organic sanitary products and “sensitive” friendly sanitary products.

There are also reusable sanitary products such as period pants, reusable cotton sanitary pads, period cups etc that you may wish to consider.

It is important that sanitary products are available for the Autistic child and that they understand how to use them. You can use visual supports to help the Autistic child learn about periods and putting on / taking off sanitary pads.


If a family member or parent feels comfortable showing the Autistic child how to put on and take off sanitary products it is important that this is practiced before the first period. This is a lifelong skill and may require getting used to.

Period Pain/Cramps

If is important to not shy away from what may occur during a period when supporting your Autistic child’s understanding. It is always important to provide information in a manner with which they can understand.

autism puberty resources

It is possible your Autistic child will experience period cramps; it is important to explain this to the Autistic child so they can be prepared in as much as is possible before this occurs.

Offering advice on how to manage potential period cramps is important. Supporting the Autistic child to understand they can ask for help and pain relief is crucial.

First Period At School

It is likely that a first period may occur while your child is at school. It is important to advise and explain what they will do if this should occur. You can use Menstruation Social Stories to support their learning. Having a “period pack” in their school bag will be helpful.

autism puberty books

Prepare the Autistic child for the possibility they may one day does not have their period pack with them, ensure they know how to improvise or know who to ask for help.

I hope you have found this post helpful.

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