Autism Puberty Books


Autism Puberty Books is a set of keywords I typed in google a few years ago, and a plethora of books populated my screen. As a parent of an Autistic teen soon to begin puberty, I knew I wanted to research ahead of time, to pick the best books to support his understanding of what would happen during puberty.

There are so many incredible books I could recommend here to support Autistic teenagers in understanding what to expect during puberty; here are just a few Autism Puberty Books.

Puberty Books Designed Specifically For Autistic Teenagers

What’s happening to Ellie? / What’s happening to Tom?

Author Kate E. Reynolds

Both books focus on what will happen during puberty and are illustrated and written in a manner that will support Autistic learners to understand.

A Different Sort Of Normal

Author Abigail Balfe

A book written by an Autistic Author for Autistic readers. It covers Puberty in one chapter but also discusses various topics of importance to Autistic teenagers throughout the book. The illustrations and tone of the book are educational and positive.

The Autism Friendly Guide To Periods

Author Robyn Steward

One of the best books on Periods I have read so far. I recently met Robyn in person at the AsIAm Conference and she is as incredible in person as you may imagine her to be.

Her book is written in a positive pro-Autism manner. It is educational, with clear pictures and graphics depicting various products that may support Autistic individuals who have periods and need to use products.

The Growing Up Guide For Girls

Author Davida Hartman

The Growing Up Guide for Girls is a one-stop guide for young girls on the autism spectrum explaining all they need to know about puberty and adolescence.

The pre-teen and teenage years are a bumpy time when bodies change, emotions are high and peers are developing at different paces. Using simple, literal language and colour illustrations, this book explains the facts about body changes such as growing hair in new places, periods, wearing a bra and keeping spots away! It gives cool tips on what makes a real friend, what it means to have a crush on somebody, and how to stay safe online.

Most importantly, it explains that every body is beautiful and unique and encourages young girls with autism to celebrate difference! Perfect preparation for the teenage years for girls aged 9-14

Puberty Books Not Specifically Designed For Autistic Learners

There are so many incredible Autism Puberty Books but there are also many great mainstream books on puberty which may also be suitable for Autistic Learners.

Here are just a few mainstream Puberty Books that you may find helpful:

What’s happening to me?

Author: Usborne

A series of excellent books on puberty developed by the Usborne team. I have a copy of the resource developed for boys and girls. I think they are information rich which is very helpful for Autistic teenagers who prefer to know as much as possible. There are great graphics within the books but they may be a little abstract depending on the Autistic Learner.

The Boys’ Guide To Growing UP / The Girls’ Guide To Growing Up

Author: Phil Wilkinson / Anita Naik

Both books are excellent and in particular I think the graphics are very meaningful and clear. There is a lot of text but it is broken up in to sections on each page it will make it easier to read and from an Autistic visual perspective it means it is less overwhelming to take in so much information.

I hope you found this Autism Puberty Books post helpful; I will add Autism Puberty Posts as the weeks go by.


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