Hi, Welcome to Little Puddins, I am Amanda Mc Guinness, BA, LLB, Autistic Education & Visual Support Specialist. Read More

Conor’s Autism Journey

Conor’s Autism Journey is a part two of an original post called Conor’s Autism Birth Story, which you can find here. My Little Boy Lost When I see Conor, I…


Autism Family Support Groups Ireland I remember years ago when Conor was born, I searched and searched on line. I tried to find one other person like me who had…


Knockrooskey National School I know a great many Parents who struggle every single day to ensure their children have access to the education they deserve. I read about their struggles…

Free Visual Supports

This week’s free resources are a set of Free Visual Supports that include First & Then Boards and Choice Boards. As a parent to two beautiful Autistic sons I know…

Itsy Bitsy Spider Free Printable

Download your Itsy Bitsy Spider Free Printable  One of the best ways to help children learn is through fun activities. One of Conor’s favorite pass times is listening to Nursery…
