First Holy Communion


Autism First Holy Communion

Like many families, during this time of the school year, I find myself preparing my gorgeous son Jack for his first Holy Communion.

Unlike many of the families across the Ireland preparing for their child’s first Holy Communion, I will be preparing my son in a different way. My son Jack is Autistic.

free visual menu autism

I am preparing him for an Autism First Holy Communion, or more importantly, an Autistic affirmative first Holy Communion experience.

Autistic Affirmative First Holy Communion

I know that we are in the incredibly lucky position that Jack and his little brother Max attend a fantastic neuro-affirmative primary school here in the West of Ireland. His teacher and SNAs have been preparing Jack for his upcoming first Holy Communion.

First Holy Communion Preparation

His lovely teacher has been so helpful in letting me know how they have been supporting my gorgeous Jack in preparing him for his first Holy Communion in the school setting. As I am a Visual Supports Specialist I was delighted to be able to offer to design bespoke Autism First Holy Communion Visual Supports for my gorgeous Jack but also for his lovely school should they wish to use them with his classmates in preparation of their upcoming First Holy Communion.

free visual menu autism

Autism First Communion Social Story

I have designed a set of two First Communion Social Visual Guides which includes:

x 2 comprehensive social stories which discuss the First Holy Communion Mass and in the process of receiving Communion by hand AND by mouth.

This resource also contains x4 visual step guides supporting the Autistic learning of the steps for receiving Communion by hand or by mouth. It also includes an option to use the wording “Body of Christ”.

  • I receive Communion (By Hand) Social Story – 24 pages
  • I receive Communion (By Mouth) Social Story – 24 pages
  • I receive Communion (By Hand) – Visual Steps Guide x1
  • I receive Communion (By Mouth) – Visual Steps Guide x 1
  • I receive the Body of Christ (By Hand) Visual Steps Guide x1
  • I receive the Body of Christ (By Mouth) Visual Steps Guide x

Preparing My Son For First Holy Communion

I have been reading through the First Holy Communion social visual guides with Jack each day. We have been practicing what it may be like to be in church.

Jack has been asking questions about the imagery and whether he will have to sing and say lots of prayers. I have answered him honestly and let him know that he could do what he was comfortable doing, and if he didn’t want to sing along or say all the prayers, that was okay.

Learning How to Bless Yourself

I also designed a visual support set to help my son learn called Bless Yourself. This resource is helping Jack visually to understand each of the steps involved with blessing himself. He really likes that I have designed the character in the resource to look like him.


Autistic Anxiety

Many Autistic children, just like my gorgeous Jack experience high levels of anxiety. The world outside the door of our safe haven of home can be unpredictable. Providing predictability through the use of visual supports like visual social guides helps to create predictability, helps to abate his fears.

free visual menu autism

I hope you have found this post helpful. Feel free to message me over on my Instagram if you would like more information on how we are preparing for First Holy Communion.

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