Hi, Welcome to Little Puddins, I am Amanda Mc Guinness, BA, LLB, Autistic Education & Visual Support Specialist. Read More

Ireland AM

When I started my Blog almost two months ago, I could never have imagined what was about to happen. I started the Little Puddins blog to support families just like…

Fine Motor Skills

Fine Motor Toys – A List The one thing I have learned since becoming a parent to Autistic children is that it can be difficult to decide what are good…

Halloween Social Story

Free Halloween Social Story Halloween can be the most exciting. spooky, fun, adventurous time of the year for children. They may dress up, play party games, go trick or treating,…

What are Autism Visual Supports?

What are Autism Visual Supports? Visual supports are a visual form of alternative communication.   Visual Supports are tools and materials that use visual information to prepare and support the…

Hickory Dickory Dock Printable

Hickory Dickory Dock For this weeks Friday Freebie I decided to share with you a really fun way to encourage children of all abilities to play, interact, concentrate, communicate, turn…

Conor’s Autism Birth Story

Conor’s Autism Birth Story I have been asked so many times recently about Conor and how we learned that my gorgeous Conor was Autistic. I usually give the good version…
