Autism Books For Parents

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autism books parents

A list of books on Autism Books For Parents that every parent of an Autistic child should read. Listening to Autistic voices is the best place to start.

Parenting An Autistic Child Book Recommendations

If you are a parent of an Autistic child and you are wondering where is the best place to start when wanting to learn more about Autism and Autistic lived experience, then you need to listen to Autistic individuals, academics, researchers, authors, professionals and lived experience educators.


As a parent, it can feel overwhelming at the very start as you will no doubt be trying learn as much as you can so you can be the best parent your child needs you to be.

I have created a short list of Autism Books For Parents here as a starting point. As time moves on and new Autistic authored books are published, I will update this post to reflect the most up to date information on Autism Books For Parents.

Autism Books For Parents

Having a strengths based approach to supporting my Autistic children has really helped me be the parent they need me to be. Realising that each of my sons are individuals who each possess so many wonderful strengths and talents has meant I know I need to individualise my approach to parenting them.

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The Strengths Based Guide To Supporting Autistic Children – Claire O Neill

A recent publication that I highly recommend to all parents is by Author Claire O’ Neill – “The Strengths Based Guide to Supporting Autistic Children”. This is a really practical well thought out book, providing a framework and perspective on supporting Autistic children that really aligns with my own approach as an Autistic parent.

Sincerely Your Autistic Child – Emily Paige Ballou et al

A book I have read and re-read many times. A must read book that will help parents of Autistic children have a insight in to the world of what it may be like for their Autistic child growing up in a sometimes not so friendly world. From childhood and education to gender identity and sexuality, this anthology of autistic contributors tackles the everyday challenges of growing up while honestly addressing the emotional needs, sensitivity, and vibrancy of autistic girls and nonbinary people. Written like letters to parents, the contributors reflect on what they have learned while growing up with autism and how parents can avoid common mistakes and overcome challenges while raising their child.


Autistic Masking – Kieran Rose and Amy Pearson

I think the first time I heard Kieran Rose speak on Autistic Masking it felt electric. It was the first time I heard someone else speak on Autistic Masking in a way that I authentically experienced Autistic Masking as an Autistic person. He and Amy Pearson have just published a brand new book on Autistic Masking that I pre-ordered the moment I knew of its existence. At this moment in time I am awaiting its arrival in the post BUT I already know it is going to be incredible just like his writing on Masking and his talks on Masking. When creating this list of Autism Books For Parents – this is one book that should be on every parents book shelf.

You can pre-order your book here.

Ido In Autismland – Ido Kedar

As a parent of a non-speaking son, I can never truly know what it is like to live a life non-speaking. I can only observe from the outside and support my incredible son as best I can. A book gifted to me many years by a parent was Ido In Autismland by Ido Kedar.

Ido in Autismland opens a window into non-speaking autism through dozens of short, autobiographical essays each offering new insights into autism and the inner emotional life of an Autistic boy. In his pithy essays, author Ido Kedar, a brilliant sixteen year old, challenges what he believes are misconceptions in many theories that dominate autism theories today while he simultaneously chronicles his personal growth.

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Dr Luke Beardon Books

I have all of Dr Luke Beardon books and I have found them to be so helpful. In particular two of his concepts the Golden Concept and the Golden Equation. As a parent I think his books and perspectives on Autism are excellent. Dr Beardon’s books provide frameworks and concepts/theories on how best to support Autistic children/teens and adults. You can find a full list of his books here.

Autism Books For Parents

Uniquely Human – Dr Barry M. Prizant

I remember reading the first edition of this book many years ago and instantly reached for my pen and yellow highlighter to underline sections to come back to again later. I more recently bought the latest edition of the same book and was delighted to see additional chapters and perspectives. The book provides countless positive examples to illustrate Dr Prizant’s learning as a professional supporting Autistic individuals over his lifetime of work.


Nurturing Your Autistic Young Person – Cathy Wassell

A recent addition to my bookshelf. Cathy Wassell, CEO of Autistic Girls Network, has tailored this handbook to support parents with older children or teenagers who are at the identification stage, walking them through the basics in an engaging and accessible manner. She addresses key challenges for this age group, including co-occurring conditions, puberty, and safeguarding, as well as looking to the future, advising on schooling options, and beyond.

For parents of teens and preteens who are Autistic this is a must buy book.


Parenting Rewired – Danielle Punter & Charlotte Chaney

An easy-to-follow advice in this guide will change how you view your autistic child and challenge you to rewire your thinking to see the world through the autistic lens. This guide challenges the common misunderstandings surrounding autistic behaviour, such as emotional dysregulation in public settings or meltdowns at mealtimes. Parents and carers will be given a deeper understanding of why your child behaves the way they do and how a change in your parenting approach is key to relax and resolve difficult situations.

I hope you have found this post helpful.

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