Wheels on the Bus Free Printable

free wheels on the bus printable
free wheels on the bus printable

FREE Wheels on the Bus Printable Activity

If you ever see me out walking with my boys or call to our house unexpectedly you will usually find one of us singing Nursery Rhymes to Conor and Jack. Music and song really helps them to feel happy and calm so I always try to include what they love in their daily lives.

free wheels on the bus printable

Both Jack and Conor right now use AAC and visual supports to communicate and understand the world around them. Visual Supports provide structure and routine. I designed the Free Wheels on the Bus Printable activity for my own sons and I am sharing it here with you so you can help your children or students enjoys a much loved family song.

Wheels on the Bus Communication Board

Jack’s most favorite song at the moment is The Wheels on the Bus so I decided to introduce the idea of a Song Communication Board, which is essentially a printable board that has all the components  of his favorite song on it.

free visual menu autism

As I sing the song to Jack I stop and wait for him to point at which part he wants to hear. For example, to start I point at the picture of the wheels and I start to sing “the wheels on the bus go round and round etc” and when that line is finished I say “Jack choose“. I then wait for Jack to point at whichever picture he wants to hear next and then once he has chosen I sing along using his choice as a guide.

free wheels on the bus printable pdf

The main purpose of using a Communication Board is for Jack to learn he has a choice in what happens next. It also takes a lot of the frustration away for him as he now has a “say” in what he wants to hear next.

He really enjoyed using the Communication Board and he picked up how to use it straight away. He was super happy when he could keep picking the “people” picture as he loves when I lift him “up and down, up and down” to the words of the song.

free visual menu autism

Wheels on the Bus Core Board and Matching Activity

Conor loves to “match” so I also created an additional printable that I laminated and then using a dry erase marker I asked Conor to match all the pictures that were the same by drawing a line from left to right.

As always I have made a free PDF Download of the printable for you all so you can also have heaps of fun with your own children while you sing The Wheels on the Bus song.

Click HERE to download your free Wheels on the Bus PDF

Next week’s Friday Freebie Nursery Printable will be none other than “Old Mac Donald” so pop by to download your free interactive printable.x


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