Autism Starting Primary School

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Starting School Autism Advice for Parents

Facilitating the transition to primary education for Autistic children, can be an overwhelming experience for many parents and caregivers, in particular if it is their Autistic child to start school.

Through the implementation of strategic planning and preparatory measures, parents and caregivers can effectively support the successful integration of their Autistic child into the primary school setting.

As a parent to 4 neurodivergent children I have learned on a personal level through trial and error over the years what has worked for my own children, and in a professional capacity I have supported countless parents across the country and further afield to transition their Autistic children to school for the first time.

The following evidence-based strategies have been identified as instrumental in this process of supporting Autistic children to transition to primary school for the first time:

5 Strategies to Support Autistic children starting primary school

  • Formulate a Comprehensive Transition Plan: Caregivers, in collaboration with educational professionals, can develop a detailed transition plan that addresses the unique needs, preferences, and support requirements of their Autistic child. Your child’s new teacher and SNAs will be experienced in supporting Autistic children to transition to school for the first time. Ask their advice on what planning and procedures they have in place to support your child. Offer your own expert opinions as your child’s parent, as you know your child best.
  • Devise an Individualized Learning Approach: As a parent before your child starts in their primary school for the first time, you can create an “All About me” resource that will include as much important information about your child as you deem appropriate. You can use this resource to support their new teacher and SNA to understand your child uniquely. You can work in tandem with your child’s teacher to design a personalized learning plan that recognizes the child’s strengths, learning modalities, and areas requiring targeted support.
  • Facilitate Familiarity with the School Environment: You can provide opportunities for your Autistic child to become acquainted with the physical school setting, including its facilities and equipment. This familiarising can significantly contribute to your Autistic child’s sense of comfort and preparedness. Creating a social story about starting school will support your child’s understanding of what to expect and help to abate any rising anxieties.
  • Practice Established School Routines: Engaging your Autistic child in rehearsals and role-playing of the typical daily routines and expectations of the school setting can help cultivate a sense of predictability and reduce potential sources of anxiety.
  • Implement Organizational Strategies at Home: Parents can establish organizational systems and structures within the home environment to support their Autistic child’s readiness and ease the transition to the primary school context. For example implementing visual schedules, routines and predictable activities all centered on supporting your child’s transition to school.

Autism Starting School Resources

If you found this post helpful you may also find the following more detailed posts useful on supporting your Autistic child to start school for the first time.

autism starting school advice pdf
autism school advice checklist

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