Santa Social Story

free santa social story
free santa social story

Free Santa Social Story

Santa as a concept can be confusing to understand for some children. It can seem unusual to children that a white bearded man enters their home once a year at a time while they are asleep.

free christmas countdown calendar

I designed this Santa Social Story to support my young son Jack understand who Santa is and what happens when Santa visits to deliver presents.

Jack like myself learns best through seeing, and so I have designed a series of visual resources to support my gorgeous Jack.

This week’s Social Story is all Santa. In this Social Story I explain with visuals what Santa is and where he lives, including his role at Christmas. 

Free Santa Social Story

I would love to hear how you manage Christmas Anxiety your child may be going through so feel free to comment below or over on my FACEBOOK page. 

You can find your free Printable Download here.

If you find this Social Story helpful you may also find the following Festive Social Story helpful. I created the next one to include various social situations your child may find themselves in over the Christmas period. 

free autism christmas social story
free Autism Christmas countdown calendar

I also created several Christmas Countdowns which you may find helpful with managing your child’s anxiety in the run up to Christmas. 

Thanks for stopping by. If you have any requests for a particular printable feel free to comment below. 


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